Please note: ANY and ALL SCRIPT EVALUATIONS are contingent on the signing and delivery of an electronically submitted release form (see release form page). Once the release form is signed—and a development service has been selected—writers may email material for evaluation.
Script Development Services

The Starving Writer
Submit the first 20 pages of your script or story and receive a phone evaluation.

The Story Editor
Submit your screenplay (up to 125 pages) and receive basic coverage; general thoughts and suggestions for improvement.

The Studio Exec
A thorough script analysis vis-à-vis structure, character development and plot points. Strengths and weaknesses analyzed; notation of all elements which may be hampering the sale of your script. Specific, detailed and comprehensive page notes. Recommendations for remedies and how to pitch your project once it’s ready.

Feature Development
Whip Your Script Into Shape with Taylor’s Feature Development Intensive. For students that have completed or are near completion of a script. Requires pre-approval from instructor. See more details below:
Whip Your Script Into Shape with Taylor’s Feature Development Intensive
How it works:
Students must submit scripts prior to beginning the course for approval. Each student will receive individual comments with concrete, actionable notes vis-a-vis storyline, structure and technical improvements. Scene writing will be explored on various levels to provide tools for creating dynamic stories. Students will analyze their own work, receive constructive feedback, and learn how to rewrite to improve character development, rhythm, pace, and dialogue. There will be a keen emphasis on enhancing the script’s forward motion, the momentum that keeps readers hooked.
Course Time Frame: Four sessions over two consecutive weekends.
Students May Expect to:
- Gain a richer understanding of story premise, structure, character, and dialog
- Understand script changes as they apply to budget and target audience
- Understand what changes need to be made in order to effectively shop your project
- Receive feedback on your scenes including an examination of tension, conflict, motivation, exposition and subtext
- Read excerpts from select produced scripts and compare and analyze development changes on shooting scripts.