
Taylor’s Top 10 Christmas Movies
Thought I’d take a moment and put together a quick list and review of my all-time favorite Christmas movies.

15 Life Changing Tips for the Next Generation
It took me a long time to figure it all out, and I’m still learning. Here are some tips I’ve picked up along the way of this thing called life for the next generation.

Why the #MeToo Movement Can Do Nothing For Me
In my opinion, the fault may go back several decades and I would argue that it’s the parents of both parties who are equally culpable. (Yes, I’m blaming the parents–it’s the Gen X thing to do).

Mysterious Monolith Appears in Woman’s Kitchen
By Taylor Van Arsdale “I was making a cup of tea for myself, and I went to grab the honey and it was there,” said Taylor Van Arsdale, an award-winning

Coping With the Loss of the Best Cat Ever
Rest In Peace PunkieBy Taylor Van Arsdale When my mother was on her deathbed, she took my hand and said to me, “I know what you’re going to do the

Remembering Eddie Van Halen
Whether it was hanging out in high school listening to Van Halen II and memories of “Women In Love” blaring from someone’s boom box, or if it was in a